
add list making to the list

Driving to work this morning, I found myself lost in thought making a mental list of to-do’s, which led me to think of a to-do list that I needed to make for the upcoming service on my car. I realized I was adding “create car maintenance to-do list” to my to-do list. OY. I may have a problem.

Hi, my name is Amy, and I am a list addict.  In my defense, there are so many things that I want to accomplish and do at all times and it’s hard to keep up with it all! Am I alone in this? Perhaps. But I’m sure there is at least one list we have in common: a “bucket list.” I’ll share mine here. Let me know if you have one too!

My Bucket List

*Tour Europe
*Take a hot air balloon ride
*Drive a race car
*Sell a painting
*Own a successful small business
*Maintain a daily yoga and meditation practice
*Visit New York, New Orleans, Washington DC, San Franscisco, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Seattle, and Boston
*Publish a book
*Brew my own beer
*Own a summer home and use it
*Learn Spanish or French
*Teach a class