I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know I did. Unfortunately, now I’m not feeling so great. Everyone around me has been sick for months, and I thought I escaped it this year. Guess not. Hopefully though, my Echinacea tea and “no” chicken noodle soup will nip this in the bud. In the meantime, I’ll make this post quick since our bed is calling my name!
I made a nice dinner for my husband and I yesterday that I put together using Google and the ingredients we had in the house. Thought I’d share it here since it was pretty yummy. Some added bonuses to this recipe: very little clean-up, lots of healthy nutrients in fish and veggies, and it was done in less than an hour! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did 🙂
Brown Sugar Salmon with Roasted Red Potatoes and Asparagus
I started with the potatoes since they take the longest:
1.5 lbs red potatoes, scrubbed, halved then quartered
1 large yellow onion, halved then quartered
1/4 cup melted butter
2 TBSP steak seasoning (I used McCormick’s blend, and it came out very peppery so please season to taste)
Preheat oven to 45o. Line baking dish with foil. Place potatoes, onion and steak seasoning into a large plastic bag and shake to coat. Put mixture in foil-lined dish, pour butter over the top and stir to mix. Pop in the oven, set the timer for 45 minutes and get started on the fish.
1 lb salmon with skin
1/4 cup butter
4 TBSP brown sugar
whole lemon, sliced
Line a baking dish with foil, place salmon skin-side down in dish. Salt the fish fillet to taste. Melt butter and pour over fish, top with sugar and sliced lemon. Place in fridge until the timer says 25 minutes are left, then put the fish in the oven next to the potato dish. On to the asparagus!
1 bundle of asparagus
pan filled with water
I know a lot of people don’t like asparagus, and I have a theory it’s because they haven’t tasted it cooked properly. So many people over-cook and annihilate the poor things and then wonder why they taste like bitter mush. I have this theory because my husband hated asparagus until I cooked it for him, and wondered why it “looked funny” because it wasn’t the least bit mushy when I served it. Now we fight over our fair share when I make it. So, here’s the trick: after rinsing the bundle, take each piece and hold one end of it, bending until it snaps. It will naturally snap where it should, leaving you the most tender part of the stalk. Use the hard pieces for your compost or trash them, they are not tasty at all. Next, boil water in the pan and then add the remaining asparagus pieces and boil just until they turn a nice neon-ish green, which only takes 5-7 minutes tops. Remove from water and keep in a warm place until the fish and potatoes are done. Ta Da! Hope this helps you to like asparagus if you don’t already, it really is so super yummy!

roasted potatoes

cooked brown sugar salmon