
weekends around here

PSSST! it’s monday again… if we pretend not to notice, maybe it won’t suck so bad? Let’s at least try, OK? How was your weekend? I hope it wasn’t too cold where you are, I know there is a lot of snow happening in other places.  We were a little toasty.  I know, nothing new for us in Phoenix, right? The nights are awfully nice though! Here is what our weekend looked like around here:

Little Laser Tagger November 2014

One of our nephew’s, Dax, stayed over on Friday night.  He asked to go play laser tag, and it was so cute how little he is and how big the laser tag vest was.  He had a great time, and him and Joe kicked my booty! No surprise since laser tag places kinda creep me out.  So I mostly spent the 15 minutes trying to find the least scary corners, and got hit about a bajillion times in the process.

Jones November 2014

Jones is getting so big, and even though I don’t always see it, everyone else is always so shocked with his growth that I know it must be true! Someone asked me if we feed him whole chickens because he’s grown so much in just the past couple weeks.  For the record, no we really don’t. Maybe it is the food we feed him, though? We just switched his diet due to allergies, and it’s a higher protein kibble.  Who knows? We have had to let out his harness the last two Sundays because it’s so tight!

Dax Birthday Party November 2014

I think that out of the 52 weeks every year, we probably have a birthday party to attend at least 35 of those weekends.  They are always a great time to catch up with people we don’t always see, plus hang out with family. And if you use this kid’s face as any indication, they’re straight up crazy! Haha

Barbie Party Invitations November 2014Speaking of parties, my sister asked me to plan her daughter’s upcoming birthday party to help me build my party planning portfolio.  Miss Mercy would like a dress-up Barbie party for six of her friends that is super girlie and uber pretty.  Please and thank you. Auntie Amy will deliver, sweet girl! Got the invitations eked out at the very last minute.  Go me!

Chilis November 2014

Christmas season seems to come earlier every year, and while some people think Christmas when they see decorations or hear holiday music, I always think Christmas when I see bunches of chili peppers hanging in front porches.  Our neighborhood nursery has them out already, but I don’t mind the hurry.  Aren’t they pretty?

November 2014 Garden After

So while I was at the nursery, I picked up some compost and fish emulsion to doctor up the garden.  I’ve been neglecting things a bit, and it showed.  I’ll have some before and after pictures and details on Friday, but it took me about three hours to get to the stage in this picture, and I’m pretty happy with what’s happening out there now.

So that about sums up the key pieces.  Except that the Arizona Cardinals won this week’s game and we about blew out the windows at Joe’s parent’s place cheering so loud.  There were four Larry Fitzgerald jerseys all jumping and screaming and I really wanted to get a picture to share here, but eh.  Life happens 😉 How was your weekend? I hope it was fantastic, and I hope you have a great Mon-uh, I mean, day.  Have a great DAY!

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