Good day, kind peep. Haha! Did you eat any peeps yesterday? I am not a fan of marshmallows, so none for me. If you aren’t familiar, peeps are chick shaped marshmallows dipped in sugar. They are usually a neon yellow, but now come in all sorts of springtime colors. Not my thing, but hey, if they’re yours, cheers to the peep! Either way, I hope you had a great Easter (if that’s your thing). I did! I saw lots of family and gorged myself with yummy food. And then comes Monday morning, to smack you in the forehead. Yay.
SO, then. I was a little frantic last week with a broken-down car, and getting ready for the holiday and trying to get a party together for my nieces. Let’s use nice words, and say that it was “hectic”, shall we? I did have a 15 year since-we-started-dating anniversary with that husband guy to top it all off. Here’s what I made to commemorate the day:
I was so preoccupied that I made a mistake, and even someone who doesn’t know us could figure it out. Can you?
I created it in and printed it at Costco, framed it and presented it like it was a precious jewel. And what do you know? Joe loved it! Success 🙂 Let me know if you want the how-to’s, I’d be happy to share (seriously, so easy!) and I hope you are having a not-so-manic-monday!