
checking in on the garden: July

I hope everyone is having a good week so far! Mine has been… interesting. Work is unpredictable, people are cranky from the heat, and I’m ready to run away to a deserted island. But fear not, my friends! For the garden is totally reliable this time of year, and it keeps me in town if for nothing more than to water the sad little survivors. So far, we’ve lost the potted vegetables and artichokes as expected, but everything else seems to be powering through this heat. Which, by the way, has entered monsoon (a.k.a. sauna) stage. It’s like living in a bowl of soup around here. I’ll be the chicken if you be the noodle! Har. Har. Har.

So, the garden. We’ve still got pumpkins, two tomato plants, basil, eggplant, and a lonely bell pepper that looks more confused than anything. Maybe he wants to be the noodle… Also hanging in there: roses, potted purple basil, portulaca/moss roses and vinca. Here are some pictures (the tomatoes are under the pumpkin’s leaves!):

Summer 2013 Garden

our raised cinder block garden in the summer: basil, bell pepper, pumpkins (f to b)




baby pumpkins

Pepper & Basil

bell pepper & basil

Artichoke Flowers

artichoke flowers

Purple Basil

purple basil


portulaca a.k.a. moss rose (don’t mind the dead tomato plant in the back!)


pretty vincas and sweet cherub… both surprisingly Phoenix Summer ready!

How is your garden doing? Please, do tell!

painted posies photography

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