
master closet from scratch

Hey guys! How’s your weekend starting out? I’m finally getting back into the groove, and hopefully I can crank out all the material I’ve been imagining for the last couple weeks before it completely escapes me.  Lucky you!

So I requested a master bedroom closet for my birthday this year, since it’s been about seven that we’ve been without one and it’s officially made me nuts.  I’ve been keeping my clothes in the guest bedroom closet since we moved in.  I couldn’t handle another visitor sleeping in the room where I kept my clothes, making it uncomfortable/impractical/silly to access outfit changes and accessories with houseguests.  Totally over it. And just like that, I had a master closet.  Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

Building a Closet Before

This disgusting picture is the BEFORE of the space our closet ended up in.  The master bedroom has two distinct spaces, and the appraiser called this side the “sitting area.”  I called it a filthy mess, and it drove me bananas that it was always a cluttered wreck.  This picture is just embarrassing really.  Moving right along…

Master Closet Before 2

Master Closet After Angle 3

Master Closet Before Angle 3  January 2015 Master Closet After Angle 2

Master Closet Before 2 Prep

We used a Martha Stewart kit from Home Depot to start.  Joe centered everything on the wall after measuring the standard size plumbing pipe we got for the hanging rods.  We were going for somewhat of an industrial look with this, so decided to use pipe for the accents.  While you can’t tell so much from the pictures, it was a serious upgrade from the stock rods that came with the kit, which I didn’t like.  I plan to incorporate the industrial feel on the window treatments and other accessories as well.

Master Closet Before Shelving

Master Closet After Closet-Up 2

Master Closet After Close-Up

Completed Master Closet After January 2015

The lighting sort of bums me out in these pictures, because it’s so much prettier in person! While it’s not entirely what I was envisioning (you can see my inspiration on Pinterest here), it’s perfectly suited to our needs, and it’s less trendy/personal so will help when we eventually sell this place.  I really, really love it! I plan to add more accessories, put up window treatments, add a place for my purses and eventually my shoes.  I’ll take nicer pictures then, and hopefully you can get a better idea of how awesome this space is… And how it works with the rest of our bedroom.  In the meantime, I’m hoping that the prettiness and organization of our new master closet will encourage us to keep it clean! Wish me luck on that deal! Ha!

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