
Phoenix Summit Challenge: Training Plan

I am fighting so hard to perk up over here! Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you are fighting back a yawn, like, all day? But I’m chugging along, don’t you worry! We are officially at the 8 week mark until the 2013 Phoenix Summit Challenge.  Who has time to be tired with THAT looming in the not-so-distant future? Not this girl! Now that we are getting closer, and we’ve hiked all the summits at least once, if not more, I feel comfortable creating and sharing a training plan. I fully intend to post something after the summit challenge to let everyone know what I’d do differently next time, just in case any of you want to try this insane adventure for yourselves! In the meantime, here’s my Phoenix Summit Challenge Training Plan:

Main goals each week:
Hike weekly-2 or more summits at this point, work up to at least 5 summits in one day prior to challenge day
Walk at least 6 miles, working up to at least 8 miles prior to challenge day
Work up to 45 minutes on the stair stepper  (currently I can go 15 minutes without wanting to take a sledgehammer to the machine)
45 minutes on the treadmill at an incline (I’m at incline number 7 on the machines at my gym, but I don’t know that they are all the same!)
I also do a full body strength/cardio class on Fridays, which I consider cross-training (and an arm and leg workout Tuesdays and Wednesdays that have nothing to do with training!)

All I know for sure is, come December I am going into hybernation! Have you hiked something like this before? Any tips or tricks? Please share! Trust me, I can use all the help I can get at this point!