
wandering eye wednesday: week thirty-three/2

Hi, hey, hello! How’s your week going? I’m getting antsy to get out of town and trying to stay focused on the now at the same time.  It’s pretty great, and I’m excited to share the details of my trip with you soon! In the meantime, here’s what I created this week:

Wandering Eye Wednesday Cloudy Sky Butterfly

It’s still monsoon season here apparently.  And we got a little bit of weather recently. While at the dog park letting Jones burn some energy, I caught sight of this butterfly. After chasing it around like a lunatic, I finally saw it land and snapped this shot.  Well, not THIS shot. This is the shot I actually got:

Butterfly Before

Have you ever used Snapseed to edit photos on your mobile device? It’s my absolute favorite editing app and I use it ALL.THE.TIME. Of course, I don’t usually go so effect-happy, but I wanted to play with the program and picture a little bit to see what was possible.  I love the AFTER, like, a lot.  I even submitted it to a photography site and you may recognize it from Instagram (although, I applied an additional filter there.)  I like how surreal it is, and that it’s not my usual style.  I was also able to bring out some of the colors from the butterfly and sky, instead of it being so blah.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite editing app for your phone or tablet?

painted posies photography

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