
what is YOUR perfect day? here’s mine…

What’s happening? I can’t really believe it’s April… Is time speeding up for anyone else, or just me?? Days come and go, and while we’re enjoying ourselves, most days aren’t the “perfect day.” Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could have your perfect day, like right now today? What would it be? What would you do? I’ve been daydreaming about it lately, and thought I’d share my perfect day with you, in case you’d like to know…

Bath England 2015

First things first, I’d sleep in and the clock would still say 6:30 a.m. Because how cool would it be to get all the sleep you want without wasting the morning away?!? I’d wake up refreshed from a sweet dream and lie with my eyes closed for a few moments, enjoying the scent of my bedroom, the softness of the sheets, the sound of the fan. The sunlight would seep into my closed eyelids and I’d slowly open them, stretching. Flipping right to child’s pose, I’d stretch and chant to myself, “I’m so grateful for this life.” On the bedside table sits Joe’s most amazing coffee. Puts Starbucks to shame, no joke. THE.BEST.

Next, I’d have an egg and cheddar sandwich with lots of butter and mayo and I wouldn’t gain a pound. Maybe there’d be some mixed fruit in there, fruit is yummy. A mimosa would be great, too. Just saying.

After breakfast on the perfect day, I’d hike. A nice, long strenuous and beautiful hike with Jones. I’d sweat a little, get hiker’s buzz and feel strong and powerful. And there wouldn’t be any dog poop, because it’s the perfect day.

By now, the clock strikes 8 a.m., because in my ideal world time practically stands still. After getting home, I’d enjoy a long, steamy shower without wasting any water. Exfoliating, shaving, moisturizing – the whole bit. I’d give myself a pedicure, deep condition my hair and use a face mask.

NAPTIME! Snuggled up with that husband guy, of course. Maher El Aridi

After a gloriously long nap (that consumes like, 20 minutes of my day), it’s time for lunch. Since it’s my ideal day, lunch takes place downtown at a really hip, local restaurant. Something healthy but delicious… with dear friends and lots of laughter. We’d linger over small plates and old stories.

Why can’t an extra long lunch be over by 1 p.m.? It’s MY day, yeah? At this point, I’d love if someone brushed my hair, if that’s not weird? Haha! Then working on a craft, writing project, gardening or organizing. With my favorite music playing in the background – an eclectic mix of ska, classic rock, pop, alternative, oldies, indie and everything in between. Time stands still in my perfect day.

Snacks. All the snacks. Dark chocolate, peanut butter filled pretzel thingees, cheese and crackers with a glass of wine, sitting outside in perfectly 80 degree weather on a sunny day watching the world spin. Mmmmmm…..

Time for a museum tour! Art, science, whatever. I love to explore history in all history’s forms. And dressed up! Dressing up is fun 🙂 Explore the sights, mingle with interesting people, eat finger food and laugh from deep down in my belly.

Sunset in the Desert 2 Lake Havasu

Dinner it is! Somewhere I want to put my fork down in between bites and chew slow because the food is so AMAZING. This takes place in a super cool, fun people-watching, great atmosphere. Joe and I would laugh, make googly-eyes at each other and catch a bit of a buzz.

Explore! I heart exploring, so wherever we are as long as it’s new, I’d be content. My dress would morph into something comfortable, and I’d be wide awake. What time is it now? Like, 7 p.m. right? My fantasy here, people. We’d wander for hours, and be home by 8. HA! Ideally, I’d run into family and share stories and inside jokes along the way.

Back home to play with the dog. Snuggle time, fetch, tricks. He’d be as excited to see me as he always is 🙂

Nightcap and chatting with that husband guy by a fire with cool air all around. The day should be warm, but the evening cool and suitable for a fire. We’d talk, laugh and enjoy each other until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore. The perfect end to the perfect day.

What is YOUR perfect day? I’d love to know!

xoxo, amy

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