
WEW 36/3

YO internet land! How you guys doin’? I stole a few moments to blog tonight, so hope you’ll forgive me if this is short and sweet!

I chose a photo to edit from our last Flagstaff trip, and then when I went to upload it, saw that it was a shot I’d already shared.  You know what, though? It was edited differently.  And I like the second one better, so I’m going to share it again and see what you guys think…


Flagstaff Snowbowl Arizona

wandering eye wednesday | week 36 | year 3

So many pictures on the internet are overblown these days.  I think that was in my head when editing the bottom photo – which was the first one I shared. I was more interested in the shadows with the top picture.

So, do you have a favorite? Can you see the difference?

painted posies photography

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